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Concern about a student
Classroom interventions &
 data collection
Data review and
team collaboration
Did the intervention work? 

Yes! Continue with established intervention and data collection to monitor progress. 

No. Decide as a team if modifications to the intervention are needed or if formalized testing will be pursued. 

Special Education Overview

Understanding the special education process can be a daunting and overwhelming task full of paperwork, signatures and unknown acronyms. Here's a brief outline of things to keep in mind: 

There are 13 different disability categories. Students need to meet criteria for one of these disability categories in order to receive special education services. 

Students who qualify for special education services are given an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This outlines the services that will be provided and goals for student progress.

IEPs are evaluated at least yearly and progress reports are sent home each term. Data determining special education eligibility is reviewed at least every 3 years. 

Parents have the right to call an IEP meeting at any time. They also have the right to decline or terminate special education services at any time. For more information on parent rights, click here






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